Among its main actions, it is worth mentioning:

• Institutional representation in Brazil and overseas
• Marketing and branding of the ceramic industry
• Export incentives and trade promotion
• Sectoral information system and business intelligence
• Expo Revestir exhibition and the International Forum of Architecture and Construction
• Trade promotion and monitoring of international agreements and treaties
• Sectoral policies and programs for quality and competitiveness
• Standardization of products and processes
• Exempting the sector from duties
• Sustainability Sectoral Program
• ANFACER Initiative + Sustainable


Promote the sector’s internationalization, the dissemination of knowledge and the offer of opportunities to the group of companies that manufacture ceramic tiles and sanitary ware in the country.


Ejercer su capacidad institucional de representatividad de la industria cerámica nacional, con objetivo de potenciar la competitividad y ampliar mercados para favorecer al sector y contribuir con el esfuerzo de desarrollo del país.


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